• Travel

    Random thoughts from a week in San Francisco

    1. I realize that my ideal vacation consists of taking long walks somewhere scenic in some way – as the sole meaningful vote stuff decisions tended towards that
    2. the only Biden/Trump stuff was some weird guy dancing in a Trump mask in Union Square – I don’t know if he was pro or con – it seemed very neutral
    3. No Israel/Gaza graffiti at all.  No BLM or “In this house” signs either.
    4. Everything was very clean
    5. I did not encounter a single panhandler
    6. The homeless that were visible in public places were all tragic cases.  There were noticeably more homeless than the last trip, but all kept to themselves
    7. The combination of Golden Gate Park plus Lands End was totally awesome, one of the best afternoons of my life, and it’s odd that no one suggested that until this trip
    8. With a little more preparation and forethought in terms of food and bike rental we could have done everything much cheaper – it’s the add ons that are terribly pricey, not the main course
    9. We spoke to the hotel check-in person for a good 20 minutes when we got there – she more or less planned our entire trip for us when we got there.  I was very happy I had not planned anything before then.
    10. We were explicitly told to avoid the Tenderloin district by more than one person – I saw a little of the outskirts of that from Union Square – and the reputation seemed correct.  I would have explored that a bit more, but I had Marleigh with me
    11. SF is the world’s capital of unleashed, well behaved dogs
    12. It is the whitest city I’ve ever been in this trip – much more so than last year.  I have no idea how that’s possible.
    13. It is probably the best city in the world to be 25 years old, or wealthy 65 years old.  We saw very few kids
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  • Uncategorized

    Lifestyle update -carrots

    Starting on March 20, 2024 I started eating carrots and am stopping drinking protein shakes – we’ll see if my general health trends improve.

    Just a record of change.

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  • Physical Culture

    Physical Culture – March 2024 Update

    So… I’m going to post monthly updates – just for accountability. Here is the current state of my exercise

    My current routine is
    Secondary Exercises
    Mace 360 – 2 sets of 15 at 15 lbs – approx 3 times a week
    Club Reverse Mills – 2 sets of ten at 15 lbs – approx 3 times a week
    Club Mills – 15.5 lbs – on the DF adjustable club – 3-5 sets of ten , approx 4 times a week

    Turkish Getups – 10 at 70 lbs – every other day
    Hand to Hand Swings – 4 sets of 25, at 70 lbs – every other day

    I’m currently averaging one long run and one short run a week, along with several micro runs with Marleigh – this is not optimal

    I’m happy with the club and mace work, a bit less with the running. My current lower body mobility is abysmal -we’ll see if any improvements happen on that by next month

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