Current Favorite Self Portrait
New photo
At the gardens
Quick links
- Clever bailout commentary
- An interesting history of Shinseki
- Media entraps cops! -He might have opened up a mighty can of perjury worms. These scandals only seem to happen to the special teams, never to the regular copy.
- The Big Picture – photography
Link of the day – very cool.
From yesterday’s photo shoot
At the zoo
I’ll be doing a more formal gallery soon, but here are some samples of my visit to the zoo with Mike and Erin.
Links to the sound of impacting bugs
For some reasons bumblebees have been smacking into my office window for the past hour. Here’s some links for your reading while I’m uploading…
- Night Photography Tutorial
- Linq tutorial videos
- is a handy site
- I should probably be more outraged about this, but Planned Parenthood took a donation (later revealed to be a politically motivated prank) specifically for abortions for black women. All a part of the grand evolution I suppose
- The last doughboy – an era is ending and we’re not seeing it.
- Free bricks to anyone in Atlanta
Rockspoloitation on Saint Patrick’s Day
They needed some photos for their site, and I took quite a few. I finally got a chance to shoot in daylight which made quite a difference.
Tuesday link roundup
- A guide to night photography
- Samantha Powers resigns…
- Southern Baptists Fight Climate Change – if only we can get Nascar and Fox News on the bandwagon the Left will declare Global Warming a hoax
Anonymous Philanthropist Donates 200 Human Kidneys To Hospital
In The Know: How Can We Make The War In Iraq More Eco-Friendly?
Mysterious Traveler Entrances Town With Utopian Vision Of The Future